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RAAD stands for the needs of the client. Every client, every business, every company is different and unique in its own way, so we don´t stick to a style. We start always from scratch when a client presents a request. Everything in the work will express the personality of the products to sale, so from the typography to the colors and shapes of the icons and logos, we make sure that the identity of the company is clear congruent with the message they want to give to their consumers.



Pub-crawling & events organisation.

​Hangovers are never kind or cute, but many times they are worth. That is the message we send with this logo: The guys that will make sure you really enjoy the coolest bars in town, and all the local advices that this emplies. 

WVW - Win the Visibility War!


Premium drinks market-watch team.

A team dedicated to promote and survey the brands of a premium drinks leader company inside the market. Main tasks are organising parties to promote the brands and keep an eye in the stores to win visibility against their competitors.


The main concept is to give the team a quality, professional and corporate image, keeping it cool, youngish and trendy.

BARISTA Quick Course


Coffee shop & professional coffee preparation training and courses.

A company dedicated to teach how to make and serve good coffee. Summer courses, companies & bars trainings, and intensive lessons for tourists are some of the services, always focused in giving the right fresh and cool image to the world of good coffee.



Architecture and cultural events.

Matière means "matter" (physical, material) in French. The company got the name from its essencial expression of what is to do with the matter: Creation.



Rizo. Art, Architecture & Design.

The new icon of RAAD needed to express fluency, organic forms and liquid plasticity to evocate the adaptation (like water does to any given surface) to any particular, and unique need of the client and its context (whether physical or conceptual).

A shape plastic enough to talk about Arts, Architecture and Design in general. The "R" stands for "Rizo".

Abra-Kadabra voros.png
ABraka Dabra
Classy couture for girls.
FLAT Guru logo A.png



LAUrin Logo 01 grey.png



Kinga+Juan annimation partners.


WVW - Win the Visibility War!



A team dedicated to promote premium quality drinks by organising parties, also promoting the spirit of responsibly drinking.


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